Inspired by Gaudi

Colours are an important part of life, expressing emotions and moods. Silver jewellery is a wonderful way to add beauty and sparkle to our lives. Shapes are the way these elements come to life in jewellery and delight our eyes. Sometimes these elements combine in a burst of colour, creating a vibrant, shimmering and vibrant world. Express your joy through jewellery!

Nature friend

Colectia cuprinde mai ales pietre neslefuite, asa cum au fost gasite in natura, dar is pietre pretioase puse in evidenta prin taiere sau montura. Imbina armonios dieferite pietre si culori, creand o simfonie de culori naturale. Pentru iubitoarele naturii care isi doresc bijuterii care să reflecte această pasiune, bijuteriile cu pietre brute și naturale pot…


Magical filigree threads caught in a fine and delicate collection, sprinkled with precious stones.

Colectia Snowflake

Snowflakes are all different, just like us. Each piece of jewellery inspired by a snowflake has a different pattern, just like in nature.